Arcadia Tenebra isn’t Cluedo
Maybe Cluesdo, but certainly not Cluedo!!! Arcadia Tenebra is a role play board game that puts you in the shoes (if you are in muddy Arcadia, more likely the boots) of a murder investigator. Your first quest is to find three Clues and bring them to...
Do you feel Luckie, punk?
Prep your Backpack, gear up and taste the consequences of your actions! Luckie isn't a spelling mistake. Luckie(s) is the name for a deck of cards from which everyone can draw as much as possible. Unluckies, on the other hand, well, you know… are not that desirable. A...
What kind of board game?
Before we started to create Arcadia Tenebra we didn't have game design experience. Some of us were, so to speak, average boardgame players. We played: Chess, Ludo, Monopoly, Cluedo, Risk, and World of Warcraft Board Game. But, on the other side, we had a lot...
Arcadia… What!?
Prelude Four an' a half years ago in a pub far, far away… Four penniless writers around a wooden table, towering over their pints of strong dark ale. "We're going to starve", said the blue-eyed guy. "We need to find a gold mine!" "I believe they are all already...